Last Sunday in Madrid

august 5, 2008


Sundays in Madrid never feel like Sundays. They feel like… nice… they just feel nice.


This last Sunday we went to do some tourist sightseeing… Rastro (the Sunday market in Madrid), Chueca (Madrid’s gay neighbourhood) to drink some cañas, Templo de Debod (boring), Parc Oeste (boring boring), eating in Principe Pio (some sort of a mall), Retiro park – bongos, some beer and something to smoke, Palacio de Cristal, bla bla bla. The interesting part came when we went out for “botellón” in a small plaza between Malasaña and Chueca.


Botellón means drinking and smoking on the street. Julie2 joined, we were together with Guy’s brother, Owen, and his cute girlfriend, Bob. A guy from País Vasco also joined. Unfortunately I didn’t catch his name. A really interesting person. In the plaza there were many people, playing the guitar, drinking and smoking, laughing and chilling… A nice atmosphere, relaxed, nice conversations, the kind of moments that you feel that should last forever.


I don’t know why, but I can’t seem to find my words today. Might be because of Bob Dylan – Hurricane in the background, might be because I’m writing just because I have to, because I don’t want this moment to be forgotten anytime, I should have written about it that night. I need a kind of a gadget that I can carry with me all the time and write all the things that I’m too lazy to hand write.


Well… life is still good in Madrid although I don’t have a house, I’m changing apartments every week, although I’m working more, although the end is so close and it’s starting to be too hot. Madrid, you keep showing me life and I still love you for that.  


Viernes de fiesta en Madrid

iulie 25, 2008

Ah, I would give anything for a good concert tonight… Day off, people are happy, I’m just waiting for time to pass.

My daddy called me today, they seem to have lost one of my lugguages on the way… I hope they’ll find it… Anyway, hopefully the shops are opened, I’m going downtown, shopping.

I also have to figure out where I’m going to stay from now on… If there’s one thing that I really hate in this world, that’s moving. And I have to move… again… oh joy…

ETA and ADN in Madrid

iulie 24, 2008


Yesterday I found the most beautiful and impressive picture that I’ve ever seen in my life. It was in the free newspaper ADN from Madrid.

Whoever still has the newspaper ADN from yesterday, 23rd of July 2008, please, pretty please contact me.


The look on her face, the beauty, the hate, the coldness, the picture is absolutely perfect.


later edit:

here is the picture, only that the quality is bad and due to that you can’t see the look on her face, the only thing that makes the photo special







Goodbye love of my life

iulie 19, 2008

Today, during the evening I only had one song in my mind: „Love of my life, you’ve hurt me, broken my heart, and now you leave me”… It’s always so difficult to say goodbye. All my life in Madrid, everything started and finished in my apartment in Callao.

I think it’s ment to be this way. Before going from Madrid I’ll probably say again goodbye, again here. I don’t understand why it hurts that much. I don’t know myself, I didn’t know you, I will never get to know you although I wished I could.

We both wanted me out of there so much, why did we feel sorry when we finally got what we wanted? Why do I still feel like crying? Why couldn’t we solve it before, how did we get here? Your room looked so empty today… I feel empty. Sometimes I thought I hated Madrid. I don’t. I never did. It always tought me, it always took care of me, it always finally made me happy. I put my hope again in you my adoptive city.

I’m listening to Ned, to Crixtina, to the Ting Tings… we’ve seen all of them together. Why is it so hard? I feel… I just feel bad, I feel as something’s missing. You always remember the good things when you lose somebody. I remember Fuenlabrada, me lying on you knee, you asking me if I wanted to marry you, me saying yes without any hesitation… I remember the concerts, the parties, I remember walking with you and how you had that „weired feeling” that you were fucking while walking, the time when we stopped near Atocha and you just hugged me without saying anything, staying in the sun…

I remember you going to England, I remember our first mails when you didn’t know how to spell „opportunity”, I remember being happy.

I remember so many things, it feels like an eternity and there are only a few months. I should „get a grip” and get going but… I’m in Callao… where I first met you, where we were staying in the dirty kitchen, only the two of us, listening to Delilah and The Blower’s Daughter, to Dust in the Wind and Michael Jackson… 

I love you, I love you, the person that I met and that made me happy. Thank you for that and I’m sorry that it had to end so soon. I’ll be thinking of you a lot. I know that you will have a great life and I trust in you. And your Spanish is brilliant my English boy!

The Ting Tings’ concert

iulie 12, 2008

The Ting Tings (British band) came to Madrid. Even if I work for Sony BMG I had to find out from Guy that they were playing in Madrid. It was last Thursday (I think). We went there after my graduation. The concert was in Ocho y Medio, a club downtown, in Gran Via.

I didn’t know exactly where the club was so I asked a guy on the street. He told me to go straight ahead and that I’ll see a huge line. And so it was. The next day I found out that more or less 500 people were waiting outside. I went around the cue, said „hello” to my work mates and went straight in. Is that Romanian?

The place was absolutely full. The concert was AMAZING. I’ve been to many concerts in Madrid but this was by far the best. The girl singing was so full of energy, the concert was way better than the disc. The next day I was only listening to the Ting Tings.

Well… I think I’m writing just to feel a little bit more alive, to remind myself that I actually did something. Anyway, the concert was great.

Starting to say goodbye to Madrid?

iulie 9, 2008

It feels like it.

I am feeling more and more away from my adoptive city. I feel like I know it, like there aren’t many things still to be discovered, that I started to leave Madrid. I entered a routine that I feel is not healthy for me, I’m not feeling that energetic anymore. I miss the crazy life, getting drunk on a Thursday when the next day you have to work, running around the city, going out for long walks, I miss butterflies. I don’t feel like working, going shopping, going to pay school, going to the swimming pool, doing my nails, I don’t feel like doing anything. The only thing that would make me happy would be the beach.


Well… I guess I’ll stop complaining and smoke a cigarette. Madrid, you’re just boring sometimes!

Shopping time in Madrid!

iulie 8, 2008

Should I say that the sales in Madrid are absolutely amazing? I finally finished my paper for school and I decided to loose some time and money. Where? DOWNTOWN of course. Life’s good. No shoes yet… well… one pair but it doesn’t count 100% because they’re slippers.

I have to stop talking and start acting, photos I mean. Will do. Finally a good day today. But I shouldn’t say that because the day isn’t over yet, is it? A, Madrid still loves me!

Sa ma omoare cineva!

iulie 4, 2008

Ah… probabil ca v-ati dat seama ca lucrurile nu merg tocmai bine din moment ce scriu numai in romana. Orice urma de fericire, orice zambet imi este rapid sters de pe fata de catre el. Nu prea mai pot sa ma bucur de nimic. Simt ca nu am voie.

Stiu ca daca as fi plecat as fi regretat si stiam intainte sa fac decizia ca daca voi ramane voi regreta. Ei bine regret, dar cum zice Ramurica, mai bine sa regreti ceva ce ai facut. Dar daca ma intorceam nu oare FACEAM ceva? Mai conteaza? Acum sunt aici si trebuie sa traiesc cu asta.

Singura problema este ca ma simt incorsetata, captiva, simt ca nu pot face nimic sa fie bine. Nu stiu ce sa fac, unde sa ma duc si nici nu mai am putere. Ma simt inconjurata si atacata din toate partile. Aproape ca nu mai vorbim unul cu altul. Iar Centrul este ataaat de departe… numai gandul ca e atat de departe ma deprima si mai tare.

Aici e pustiu, e urat, e liniste si nu e pentru mine. El vine dintr-un oras cu 20.000 de oameni si eu vin dintr-unul cu 4 milioane. Cum as putea eu sa ma obisnuiesc cu singuratatea strazilor? Imi vine sa plang dar trebuie sa ma abtin pt ca este aici.

Nu stiu ce vreau. Parca trece timpul pe langa mine uneori. Si eu nu-l folosesc cum ar trebui, nu-l folosesc la maximum. Nu stiu ce sa fac si parca ma incearca un dor. Nu numai un dor de duca… un dor… Ma duc sa ma fardez strident, asa cum fac mereu atunci cand sunt deprimata, sa ma imbrac si ma duc in viata.

Madrid, unde m-ai lasat sa ma duc?

Iata-ma la casa lui

iulie 1, 2008

Am ajuns si aici. Cu catel cu purcel, cu tot cadabadalcu’, cu certuri si nervi, cu frica si deprimare m-am mutat la el. Solutii ar fi fost sa nu o fac insa se pare ca cea mai buna alternativa era sa ma mut la el acasa. Nu-mi vine sa cred inca. Am inceput procesul de mutare de cand ne-am intors din Romania practic… Sambata si duminica (din nou cu cearta, cu „plec in Romania”, cu insulte si alte mizerii) am reusit sa aduc totul.

Este incredibil cum intr-un an am reusit sa adun atatea lucruri. Asa e cand ai singura camera – dintr-un apartament cu 10 – cu dulap pe tot peretele. Acum inca sunt bagaje care zac, hainele lui de iarna nu-mi permit inca sa desfac tot… poate in week-end-ul asta reusim sa aranjam lucrurile.

Trebuie sa recunosc ca e stresant sa te muti si incerc sa stau pe cat mai putin posibil la el. Nu vreau sa-l stresez, nu vreau sa se simta incorsetat in vreun fel sau sa ajunga sa ma urasca… pentru ca nu mai e mult.

Ma apasa unele lucruri dar incerc sa ma afund in lucru, invatat si prieteni si sa le dau la o parte. Am dor de duca, deci nu-i a bine. Cand am dor de duca nu sunt fericita. Dar deloc… Si acum chiar nu sunt. Stau cuminte in patul lui asteptandu-l (sau nu, pt ca stiu ca o sa vina prea tarziu azi), gandindu-ma la apartamentul meu, la colegii mei de apartament si stand cu fruntea incruntata.

Lipseste ceva insa chiar nu mai am puterea (sau poate ca nu ma vreau) sa lupt, sa incerc sa fac sa fie totul bine, sa analizez, sa fac pe detectiva (ca mereu de altfel), vreau sa ma detasez putin, sa-mi pese numai de mine si sa ma doara-n cur. In ultima vreme nu prea m-a mai sunat nimeni asa ca mi-e dor sa vorbesc romana, sa ma confesez, sa rad si sa ma plang.

Zilele astea sunt obosita. Sunt obosita psihic si inca mai am de tras. Ok… ok… ok… Ce cuvant mizerabil, dar sa trecem peste asta. Nu mai am chef sa reprosez, sa-mi reprosez, sa ma tavalesc si sa plang. Am intrat (incepand din acest moment) in starea de transa, acea stare care-ti da o oarecare liniste si te face sa te detasezi dar in acelasi timp sa fii constient.

Nu mai am chef sa lupt. Sunt o luptatoare si mereu voi fi una insa m-am plictisit. Si pentru ce? (Ia uite cum ma intorc in trecut) Sa lupt pentru o relatie pe care o voi avea pentru inca doua luni? Este ca si cum ai sti ca in doua luni mori – vrei sa afli daca ti se ofera ocazia sau nu? Ei bine pe mine nu m-a intrebat nimeni daca vreau sa stiu cat va dura, am stiut de la inceput ca poate sa dureze pana atunci sau mai putin.

Ah, ce bine ma simt cand am senzatia asta de detasare… Mai am putin si ma detasez complet. Daca adorm in noaptea asta inainte ca el sa vina am reusit. Viata mea se invarte din nou in jurul unui barbat numai ca de data asta sunt patita si n-o sa mai am sentimentul ca vreau sa mor atunci cand inevitabilul se va intampla pentru ca stiu ca… asa e-n viata si ca voi mai avea multe rele de acum incolo, dar si multe bune, asa cum a fost anul asta in Madrid.

Madrid m-a izolat putin, m-a adus in nord. Sudul e mereu mai bun! Centrul e mereu mai spre sud. Aaaaah, la dracu cu toate. Hmm… cum mi-am schimbat limbajul, cum nu ma recunosc din cand in cand.

Nu stiu de ce dar imi vine sa fac pipi in continuu. Si iata niste ganduri deloc aberante, cu nevoi, necesitati, strambat din nas si dat ochii peste cap. Trebuie sa scriu ceva despre plecarea mea din apartamentul meu din Centru, apartamentul meu din Callao, de unde se intra din Gran Via, unde toata lumea vrea sa locuiasca, din cea mai aglomerata zona a frumosului Madrid, din Tudescos.

Ah, mi-a sunat telefonul si zbura un enorm flutere de noapte prin camera si mi-am pierdut sirul de idei. Asa ca ma duc la baie, apoi sa citesc ceva si sa adorm inainte sa vina el. A tomar por culo, cum spun spaniolii.

Hai noapte buna.


iunie 27, 2008

Dupa muuulta vreme am hotarat sa preiau o leapsa de la Gadjodillo. Asa cum spune si ea, nu e graba, deci nu conteaza ca am luat-o dupa mai bine de jumatate de an.

Leapsa suna cam asa:

“Regulile de aur si nisip:
1. Ia cartea care este cea mai aproape de tine.
2. Deschide-o la pagina 123.
3. Găseste a 5-a propozitie/frază.
4. Postează pe blog textul următoarelor 4 propozitii/fraze cu aceste instructiuni.
5. Nu îndrazni sa scotocesti prin rafturi după cartea aceea foarte deosebită sau “intelectuală”.
6. Da leapsa mai departe la alti 6 prieteni.”

Cea mai apropiata carte este de fapt un curs de protocol (mda… mi-a ajuns cutitul la os si am inceput sa mai si invat). Ei bine, iata rezultatul:

En este ultimo caso, solo es recomandable en el comedor tipo margarita, pues en otros tipos de nada vale disimular algo que es muy evidente. Por lo general, las mesas cuanto mas cerca esten de la presidencia mejor numeracion tendran. Entre similares distancias la centrada con respecto a la ladeada, y la que esta a la derecha de la presidencia frente a la que se ubica a la izquierda. El primer puesto de cada mesa es el que en mejor posicion frontal este con respecto a la persona que preside.

Scuze celor care stiu spaniola foarte bine, nu pot pune „tilde” (accentele) din cauza tastaturii. Cred ca n-are nicio relevanta sa traduc. Si acum cand ma gandesc… ce cursuri misto am, as fi putut sa invat mai din timp…

Precum prea bine vedeti n-am prea multi prieteni bloggeri (de ce oare imi suna atat de rau cuvantul asta?) asa ca pasez leapsa numai la Annacor.